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  Re-marriage GUIDE 
The Dos and Don'ts of Meeting People Online and Offline
When it comes to Online and Offline Meeting People, things can get pretty tricky. Is he who he says he is? Is she who she says she is? Is he/she honest? Etc.
Whether meeting with someone online or ofline, be EXTREMELY specific about what you want and don't want. Ask open ended questions, which will assist you in finding out more about the other person.
It is a good idea to communicate via email or chat on messenger for at least a month or so before meeting "face to face". ASK lots of questions, Be observant that what he/she is telling you remains consistent.
Ask about everything! Marriages, divorce, children, education, career choices, hobbies, likes and dislikes, everything!!!! If available, you may even want to "chat" on phone several times before actually meeting.
If at all possible, exchange latest photo's prior to meeting. This will afford you the opportunity to see if he/she has the LOOK that you like. It will also cut down on disappointing surprises. Also, be very honest about yourself, so the other person is not surprised or disappointed either.
The first meeting should ALWAYS be in a public place. Choose a place where you feel comfortable, this will ease your tensions and nervousness and increase your feelings of safety. Do this for the first few subsequent meetings, and remember, NEVER give out your home address, home phone number or place of employment, until you are very sure about the person, or extremely comfortable with them.
Keep in mind, there are some of GOOD PEOPLE out there... but, there are a lot of BAD PEOPLE out there also.
DON'T provide ANY personal information
DON'T meet in a Private Place
DON'T meet at his/her Home
DON'T believe everything you're told
DON'T fall in love with his/her Fantasy Potential
DON'T lie about your looks
DON'T send him/her an OLD photo of you
DON'T forget that there is a REAL person on the other end of the computer
DON'T get involved physically on the first/second meeting
DO be open to this experience
DO give him/her your cell number
DO always call from a cellphone if possible
DO meet in a PUBLIC place
DO arrange a Brief first meeting
DO bring a friend along if you feel nervous
DO bring friend or family member along if you feel Really nervous
DO afford him/her honesty
DO use Common Sense
DO be careful
DO get to know the person well and take matters forward!
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